Amen Corner had a string of hits in the late 1960's. They all lived in a large house in Harrow, just outside London. Singer Andy Fairweather Low amazingly had a Cobra in the front yard , but many a time for a London gig he and Neil would jump into my MGB and have me take them, a lot of fun. Andy has spent the recent years touring with such people as Pete Townsend and with Eric Clapton (including "Unplugged") and Roger Waters . Blue Weaver and Dennis Byryn went on to the Bee Gees for years, Alan Jones went into management, Clive Taylor became a recording engineer and Neil Jones became the chief photographer for his home city of Cardiff (after assisting me for a while !!).
Tommy Roe .. Rolling Stones .. Zager + Evans .. Fleetwood Mac .. Joe Cocker ..
The Move
Creedence Clearwater Revival came to London .. Stevie Wonder ..The late Steve Marriott in
Humble Pie ..David Bowie
John Lennon and Yoko Ono were in the headlines, from holding bed-ins to concerts to appearing on Top Of The Pops promoting their Plasic Ono Band record.